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Health Professions Learning Center Use Policy

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Harris College Health Professions Learning Center

Harris College Health Professions Learning Center (HPLC)

This policy is intended to facilitate the fair allocation, efficient use and reasonable charges for all clients of the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences - HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER (HPLC). Clients of the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER include University departments/organizations, University co-sponsored groups and external groups.

This policy may be modified for a specific activity at the discretion of the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Nursing Administration if it is in the best interest of all involved (TCU, organization, activity participants).

The physical address of the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER is:

2800 W. Bowie Street, Fort Worth, TX 76109

The HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER is located on the second and third floors of the Annie Richardson Bass Building.

The email address is:

The phone number is: 817-257-7650

Routine HPLC Hours:
  • Monday – Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Bass Building Hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 11:00 pm

Hours Available for Scheduling/Reservations:

  • Monday – Sunday: 7:00am - 7:00pm
In order to reserve space in the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER, a client must be a member of one of the following categories:
  • University Department/Organization: Organization officially recognized by the University.
  • University Co-Sponsored: Definition is determined by Conferences Services (see Appendix A for definition and criteria)
  • External Group: Any group that does not qualify in the first two categories and/or any group with more than fifty percent of their attendees who are not TCU affiliated.
Clients using the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER should obey all published University and HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER policies, regulations and guidelines, as well as all local, state and federal laws. Violations of these policies or laws by the group may result in the loss of scheduling privileges in the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER.

The HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER is generally reserved on a first come, first serve basis with priority given to all learning activities designed to meet the needs of entire cohorts of students in lab and simulation courses for departments within the Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences. Other University departments, inter-professional education (IPE) activities and co-sponsored activities are given second priority. Third priority will be given to external groups.

Space is assigned with consideration to the size of the event, type of setup needed and space available. The HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER reserves the right to assign, and if necessary, reassign spaces to assure the maximum and most appropriate use of space.

Departments within Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences and other TCU departments are given exclusive rights to make reservations for the spring semester (January to May) by December 1, for the summer (June and July) by May 1 and for the fall semester (August to December) by July1. After these dates, other co-sponsored and external groups may make reservations.

The HPLC may not be able to fulfill reservation requests received less than 72 hours prior to the proposed activity. If an appropriate room is available, supplies and equipment may not be available.

Notice of cancellations must be given to the HPLC by phone at 817-257-7650 or email at at least 24 business hours prior to the meeting time. Failure to cancel a reservation in accordance with this policy may result in charges for supplies and/or loss of future reservation privileges.

The HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER includes the following building spaces which are available by reservation:  

Ambulatory Care Area (Bass 2238) is a 1,300 square foot clinic environment used for community-based and outpatient care. It consists of four exam rooms, a toilet, and a nurses’ station with stadiometer, balance scale, and vision chart. Four laptop computers are available to document care and the nurses’ station is supported by a desktop computer and printer. 

    Exam Rooms 1-4

    Residential Area with Bathroom

Acute Care Area (Bass 2203) is a 3,850 square foot hospital environment with eight patient rooms, nurses’ station, medication administration station, clean utility, and soiled utility. There are two double occupancy medical-surgical patient rooms, each with a ceiling mounted patient lift; one room with an ICU bay and an ER bay; two double occupancy pediatric patient rooms each with one crib and one full sized bed and furniture to support family visits; and two labor and delivery rooms, one with an infant warmer and portable OR light and one with a bassinet, both with furniture to support family visits. The final room is an isolation room with an anteroom that can be converted to an operating room with the anteroom substituting for the OR scrub area.

    Room 1 - Isolation/OR/Procedure/Private Hospital Room

    Room 2 - Semi-Private Hospital Room

    Room 3 - Semi-Private Hospital Room

    Room 4 - Semi-Private Hospital Room 

    Room 5 - Semi-Private Pediatric Room

    Room 6 - Semi-Private Pediatric Room

    Room 7 - Maternity Room (L& D, Post-Partum, Newborn)

    Room 8 - Maternity Room (L& D, Post-Partum, Newborn)

Basic Care Lab (Bass 3205) has two eight-bed wards each with an associated nurses’ station and medication administration station. Side A and Side B have fully equipped head walls, bedside computers, bedside shelf, over-the-bed tables, adjustable over-bed lighting, and nurse call light system. The central space of each lab is a fully equipped classroom that can accommodate up to 20 students at moveable tables with tilt-to-roll chairs which serve as classroom and bedside chairs. The labs feature portable, height adjustable lecterns; built in document cameras; and the writable/projectable wall surface. Each lab has two ceiling mounted patient lifts. 

    Side A: 8 bed area 

    Side B: 8 bed area

    Nurses Station area

Classroom with or without Tables and Chairs for 48 (Bass 3240) is a 1,339 square foot room with a rolled vinyl floor and moveable tables and chairs. It has a full technology package including document camera and three writable walls. The furniture and flooring allow the classroom to be cleared and used for simulations such as a mass casualty simulation and also makes the room suitable for a wide variety of instructional activities such as flipped classroom and team building.

Five Debriefing Rooms near the acute care and ambulatory care areas have moveable tables and chairs and a specialized AV system for simulation. One of the debriefing rooms, Bass 2237, has a special Nora-brand floor. Each debriefing room has two writable walls.

    Bass 2216 (seats 12)

    Bass 2217 (seats 10)

    Bass 2218 (seats 10)

    Bass 2220 (seats 10)

Bass 2237 (seats 12) – Nora-brand floor
Departments other than Nursing will pay for actual supply costs and actual standardized patient/actor costs. The HPLC will initiate an invoice which will be sent to the Nursing Budget Manager to coordinate transfer of funds between departments within TCU. For co-sponsored and external group charges, see section “Additional Requirements for Co-Sponsored and External Groups”.  
All setup instructions for learning activities must be submitted two weeks prior to the beginning of the activity. All supply and equipment setup and clean up must be completed by the HPLC staff members to prevent damage to equipment and personal injury.  After the activity, TCU housekeeping will complete a general cleaning and removal of waste.
In Bass 3240 and the Basic Care Labs (Bass 3205), equipment available includes a computer and/or projector and a DVD player. It is available at no additional charge for all clients who reserve these areas.
The HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER requires all users/activity participants, who are a school, academic department, administrative unit or student organization at TCU, to sign a Photo/Video/Audio Recording Release Form. The HPLC Director will verify completion of release forms prior to scheduled activity in the HPLC. 
The HPLC Director will manage access to the Bass Building and the HPLC spaces. The HPLC will coordinate access and/or grant TCU ID card access.
All building and equipment concerns should be reported to the HPLC staff as soon as possible.
When on campus, call TCU police at 817-257-7777 instead of 911 in case of emergency. This actually minimizes response time as campus police are able to assist emergency responders navigate the campus and get to you sooner. Program 817-257-7777 into your cell phones for on-campus emergencies.

During an emergency or a drill, HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER occupants are expected to follow all instructions given to them by the Bass Building Emergency Floor Officers (EFO). These deputies assist in evacuation and securing buildings during emergencies. They are identified by their bright orange vest worn during emergencies.

The Annie Richardson Bass Building storm shelter location is the first floor corridor from Rooms 1205A to 1207, 1209, and 1214, office suite 1201, and restroom.

In the event of fire, the Bass building alarm and sprinkler system will activate; all occupants of the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER are expected to leave the building immediately. Occupants who fail to obey instructions will be referred to Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Nursing Administration.

All groups holding a reservation will be held accountable for the actions of the participants while in the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER. 
All activities must end within the scheduled time frame or overtime costs can be incurred.
Persons responsible for any acts of damage, vandalism to the premises or unauthorized removal of equipment or items from the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER will be referred to Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Nursing Administration and/or other appropriate authorities for proper disposition.


Additional Requirements for Co-Sponsored & External Groups

All co-sponsored and external groups who wish to reserve space in the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER will be referred to Conference Services to complete contract(s) and documentation required for the learning activity/event. These groups will complete the Special Events Application form found on TCU Conference Services website. The HPLC will be notified of the request by Conferences Services and will have one week to approve the scheduled activity/event.

TCU requires co-sponsored groups and external groups using the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER to adhere to all of TCU’s regulations, policies, guidelines and all local, state and federal laws concerning health, safety and public order. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the forfeiture of the privilege of using TCU facilities and services or termination of TCU agreements. TCU regulations include, but are not limited to, the following in TCU buildings and on TCU property:

  • Smoking is prohibited in all buildings.
  • Minors require direct supervision at all times while on campus.
  • Attaching any object to any TCU premise by tape, nail, screw or alteration of the premises in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from Conference Services is not permitted. No signs are to be attached to the outside walls of any TCU facility without prior written permission.
  • All visitors are expected to comply with TCU traffic regulations. Parking is allowed only in the white-lined spaces. There is no parking or driving on ANY non-paved area.
  • All facility and residence hall rooms must be left in the condition found. Any damages or excessive clean-up will be billed after the event. No furniture may be moved out of the HEALTH PROFESSIONS LEARNING CENTER.
  • TCU prohibits alcoholic beverages in all areas of the campus without written permission. Residents of legal age twenty-one (21) or over may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in their residence hall rooms only. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all hallways, stairways, elevators, lobbies, lounges, recreation areas, restrooms and all other areas of residence halls. Kegs and any other containers larger than one gallon used for alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on campus. If approved, alcohol cut off times are 30 minutes before end of event time scheduled.
  • The illegal possession, manufacture, distribution, use or sale of any quantity of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance or being illegally under the influence of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance is prohibited.
  • Tampering with the fire system or with fire fighting equipment is a violation of the Fort Worth City Ordinance. EVERYONE MUST evacuate the building when an alarm is sounded. All violators are subject to persecution and fine ($400) by the University as well as city authorities.    
  • Possession, ignition or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks liquid or flammable object is prohibited. This includes any hazardous materials, and any and all firearms.
  • Candles and open flames may not be used in any building without permission from Conference Services.  
  • No shoes with cleats are allowed in any facility. Only white-soled court shoes (tennis shoes) are allowed on University Recreation Center gym floors.
  • No cut-offs are allowed in the University Recreation Center pool.
  • All security arrangements must be made through TCU Conference Services. The number of officers required for each event is at the discretion of the TCU Police.
The TCU on-campus department is responsible for all costs involved in the activity. The HPLC will send an invoice to Conference Services for all costs. Conference Services will bill the TCU department or external client and transfer funds received to the proper Nursing/HPLC budget.
The HPLC will send an invoice to Conference Services for all costs (room/area, human patient simulator, supplies, AV recording, staff support and standardized patients/actors). Conference Services will bill the TCU department or external client and transfer funds received to the proper Nursing/HPLC budget. 
All supplies (consumables) will be charged at a rate of cost plus 25%. Supply cost will include moulage needed for patient simulators and standardized patients/actors. There is not a charge for use of clean gloves, thermometer probes, specula, tissues and hand sanitizer. Supplies needed must be specified in the reservation request and submitted at least 2 weeks in advance of the scheduled activity. An additional set up charge of $50 will be charged for set up and supply changes submitted less than 2 weeks prior to scheduled activity.
Simulation activities using the AV system will be charged $100/hour for one HPLC staff member.

AV recordings for future viewing will be an additional cost as follows:

Flash Drive     $50

DVD        $75

Co-sponsored and external groups who plan to film or conduct photo shoots must follow the requirements listed on the TCU Marketing & Communication website.
Support for each additional HPLC staff member will be charged at a rate of $75/hour in addition to the room rate. 
Use of each standardized patient/actor will be charged on an hourly basis with a hourly minimum as follows:

Standardized Patient/Actor - $30.00/hour (four hour minimum)