Fine Arts Venues
While primarily intended for the student body, TCU fine arts venues may be open for external events during select time periods.
TCU School of Music
The recently-opened TCU Music Center is home to Van Cliburn Concert Hall. With a little more than 700 seats wrapping fully around the hall, it is designed acoustically as a grand concert hall with similar acoustical volume to mirror concert halls that have double or triple this seating capacity. The acoustical environment is adjustable, so it can be tuned, depending on the nature of the performance.
Ed Landreth Auditorium
Ed Landreth Auditorium is also home to the TCU School of Music and other College of Fine Arts programs. This older venue seats up to 1,200 guests and holds dance recitals, theatre productions, and other fine arts endeavors. Both the Van Cliburn Concert Hall and Ed Landreth Auditorium have limited availability; typically only selected weeks that bookend the fall and spring semesters are open to external groups.
School for Classical & Contemporary Dance
TCU’s SCCD oversees the Erma Lowe Hall Studio Theatre, which can be used by outside groups throughout the year. The 1921 building was renovated in 2011 and is one of the oldest on the TCU campus, originally serving as the school’s earliest gymnasium and swimming pool.