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TCU Faculty, Staff & Students

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TCU Conference Services is here to support faculty, staff and students.

FW Med School Student

We encounter some common scenarios from faculty, staff and students who are planning their events:

  1. If you simply require a reservation for an internal meeting, you may learn about reservable spaces here.
  2. If you are planning an event solely for the TCU community, there may not be need to contact Conference Services; however, if your event has food in a non-traditional dining space, then we may need to work together for catering and housekeeping instructions. We can also help you with advice, guidance, process, policy, and referrals. Please send an inquiry to connect with us.
  3. If you are planning to invite people from outside the TCU community, you must process your event through Conference Services and fill out an application. We will need to learn more about your event. Jump over to The Event Planning & Scheduling Process. If necessary, we’ll put an agreement in place, assess any necessary real costs, and obtain a certificate of insurance.

University Co-Sponsored Events

These are academic programs, conferences and/or meetings involving two entities – a University, school, academic department, administrative unit or student organization and an outside organization such as a professional association in which the University holds membership or maintains a relationship that directly benefits the University community or community-based organization. An individual faculty, staff, or student membership in an organization does not necessarily make an event of that organization an integral part of the University's mission. In general, University Co-Sponsored Events will involve a contractual arrangement with the University.

Activities that fall in this category may be assessed a nominal event-related fee. The standard fees for any real costs, including housekeeping, catering, staff overtime or special equipment-related costs will apply.

The following criteria must be met in order for the event to be considered co-sponsored:

  1. Support from an appropriate academic dean or vice chancellor to ensure that the University's educational mission is properly maintained. Co-sponsorship will be established after receipt and approval of a Fee Waiver letter.
  2. The on-campus department will provide a TCU contact/coordinator for planning the event.
  3. A member of the on-campus department must be on-site throughout the event.
  4. The department and/or group is responsible for all costs involved in the event that are incurred by the University.
  5. The outside organization will sign a contract and issue the University a certificate of insurance as outlined in the terms of the contract.
  6. All co-sponsored conferences and events must have the University name and logo on all conference materials, including all marketing and pre-conference publications. Publications should also be pre-approved by the TCU Marketing and Communication.

Fee Waivers for Co-Sponsored Events

Requests for facility use waivers for any event must be submitted in writing to the Office of Conference Services, which will be responsible for reviewing and forwarding fee-waiver requests to the appropriate dean/vice chancellor/chancellor for input. Fee waivers will be given utmost consideration if the nature of the events is within the following criteria:

  • Provides high recruitment potential/visibility for prospective students
  • Provides for an educational public forum
  • Provides professional development opportunities for faculty and/or staff
  • Provides internship opportunities for students
  • Provides reciprocal waivers to the University, but do not create a conflict of interest
  • Provides a beneficial relationship to the University

Note: Anyone requesting a fee waiver must divulge if they have a business or a donor relationship with the University or a staff member. Any request that has the appearance of "quid pro quo" will not be processed.

Student Events

Student events must be submitted by registered student organizations (please see Student Activities for more info). It is recognized that members of the community, guests and alumni may attend these programs. Examples of such events are student organizational meetings, workshops, lectures, conferences, shows, and other social activities.

Conference Services organizes events for departments or student organizations that would like to bring outside guests to the campus. In addition, we work with outside groups that would like to bring conferences, workshops, and fine arts or academic programs that are open to the campus or community. TCU is a tobacco-free campus.

TCU has an abundant, diverse faith community. Many of these organizations have relationships that extend to other campuses, regional chapters, and national headquarters. If your TCU student organization is planning an event in conjunction with a larger organization, please visit TCU Religious & Spiritual Life to learn more about roles, definitions, and resources for local and external religious communities.